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EU Settlement Scheme Advantage and Disadvantage

 EU Settlement Scheme

The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) in the UK, which was implemented following Brexit to allow EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens residing in the UK to continue living there, has faced several criticisms and disadvantages:

  1. Application Complexity and Stress:

    • The application process, while online, can be complex and stressful, particularly for those with limited digital literacy or access. Some individuals may struggle with providing the necessary documentation and understanding the requirements.
  2. Uncertainty and Anxiety:

    • The uncertainty surrounding the application outcomes has caused anxiety among applicants. Many fear rejection or delays, which could affect their ability to remain in the UK.
  3. Missed Deadlines:

    • Some individuals missed the application deadlines due to a lack of awareness, confusion about the rules, or personal circumstances. This could lead to their losing legal status in the UK and facing potential deportation or other legal issues.
  4. Documentation Issues:

    • There have been reports of applicants struggling to obtain and submit the required documentation, particularly those who have lived in the UK for many years and may not have kept detailed records of their residence.
  5. Vulnerable Groups:

    • Vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly, disabled, or those with limited English proficiency, face significant challenges in applying for settled status. This group may not have access to the necessary support or information.
  6. Pre-settled Status Concerns:

    • Many people have been granted pre-settled status instead of settled status, which is a temporary form of permission to stay in the UK. This status requires them to reapply for settled status after five years, creating ongoing uncertainty and potential legal issues if they fail to reapply in time.
  7. Access to Services:

    • Individuals without settled status may face difficulties accessing public services, including healthcare, housing, and social security benefits. This could lead to increased hardship and marginalization.
  8. Impact on Families:

    • Families may face separation if some members are granted settled status while others are not. This situation can create emotional and logistical challenges, particularly for children and dependents.
  9. Legal and Employment Issues:

    • Without settled or pre-settled status, EU citizens may encounter difficulties in securing employment, renting accommodation, and accessing other essential services, leading to potential exploitation and instability.
  10. Ongoing Monitoring and Compliance:

    • Those with pre-settled status are subject to ongoing monitoring to ensure they continue to meet the residency requirements. This can be invasive and burdensome, requiring individuals to continuously prove their eligibility.

These disadvantages highlight the complexities and challenges faced by EU citizens in navigating the post-Brexit immigration landscape in the UK. While the EU Settlement Scheme aims to protect the rights of these individuals, its implementation has revealed significant issues that affect their day-to-day lives and long-term stability.


The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) in the UK, despite its challenges, offers several advantages to EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens living in the UK:

  1. Legal Right to Remain:

    • The primary advantage of the EUSS is that it provides EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens with the legal right to remain in the UK after Brexit. Those granted settled status can live, work, and study in the UK indefinitely.
  2. Access to Public Services:

    • Individuals with settled or pre-settled status retain their rights to access public services, including the National Health Service (NHS), education, and social security benefits, ensuring continuity in their daily lives.
  3. Work and Employment:

    • The scheme allows individuals to continue working in the UK without the need for additional work permits or visas, providing stability for both employees and employers.
  4. Family Reunification:

    • Settled status enables citizens to bring close family members to the UK, ensuring that families can stay together. This includes spouses, civil partners, children, and dependent parents or grandparents.
  5. Educational Opportunities:

    • Those with settled or pre-settled status can continue to access education at all levels, including higher education, on the same terms as UK citizens. This includes eligibility for home fee status and student finance.
  6. Protection from Discrimination:

    • The EUSS provides a legal framework that protects EU citizens from discrimination based on their immigration status, ensuring equal treatment in areas like employment, housing, and public services.
  7. Path to Citizenship:

    • Settled status can be a step towards obtaining British citizenship. After holding settled status for a year, individuals may be eligible to apply for naturalization, providing a secure and permanent solution to their residency.
  8. Simplified Application Process:

    • Compared to other immigration processes, the EUSS is relatively straightforward, with an online application system and streamlined requirements, making it accessible to a broad range of applicants.
  9. Retention of Rights:

    • Those with settled status retain most of the rights they enjoyed as EU citizens before Brexit, including the ability to travel freely in and out of the UK, subject to immigration control.
  10. Long-term Security:

    • Settled status offers long-term security for EU citizens, giving them peace of mind regarding their future in the UK. It allows them to make long-term plans for their lives and careers without the fear of sudden changes in their legal status.
  11. Economic Contribution:

    • By allowing EU citizens to remain and work in the UK, the EUSS supports the UK economy, retaining skilled workers and contributing to various sectors, from healthcare to technology.
  12. Community and Cultural Continuity:

    • The scheme helps maintain the diverse and multicultural fabric of UK society by allowing EU citizens to continue living and contributing to their communities, fostering cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

These advantages highlight the positive aspects of the EU Settlement Scheme, ensuring that EU, EEA, and Swiss citizens can continue to live and thrive in the UK with a sense of security and continuity


  • EU, EEA (which includes EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway), and Swiss citizens who were residing in the UK by December 31, 2020, are eligible.
  • Family members of eligible citizens, including those who were not living in the UK by the cutoff date, can also apply.
  • Applications are submitted online through the UK government’s dedicated EUSS portal.
  • Applicants must prove their identity, residence in the UK, and any relationship to a family member if applicable.
  • Proof of identity can be provided using a valid passport or national identity card.
  • Proof of residence can be demonstrated using various documents, such as utility bills, rental agreements, or employment records.

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